Source code for helpfulfields.querysets

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from helpfulfields.settings import RECENTLY_MINUTES

# The querysets represented herein are designed to be used with their
# approrpriate abstract models, and typically provide additional methods by
# which to filter objects. The simplest way to get these yourself is to
# create your own subclass which implements them, and wire it up to a manager.
# .. code::
# class MyCustomQS(ChangeTrackingQuerySet, DatePublishingQuerySet, SoftDeleteQuerySet)
#   pass
# class MyCustomerManager(Manager):
#   def get_query_set(self):
#       return MyCustomQS(self.model)

#   def created_recently(self, minutes=30):
#       return self.get_query_set().created_recently(minutes=minutes)
# Better than that though, is just to use `django-model-utils`_
# .. code::
# from model_utils.managers import PassThroughManager
# class MyModel(Model):
#   objects = PassThroughManager.for_queryset_class(MyCustomQS)()

[docs]class ChangeTrackingQuerySet(QuerySet): """ A custom queryset for filtering models using the :class:`~helpfulfields.models.ChangeTracking` model. """
[docs] def created_recently(self, **kwargs): """Goes hand in hand with the :meth:`~helpfulfields.models.ChangeTracking.created_recently` method. Finds all object instances created within the last N minutes. Accepts a list of `kwargs` which are passed directly to :class:`~datetime.timedelta`; in the absence of any `kwargs` the :class:`~datetime.timedelta` is told 30 minutes is recent. :return: filtered objects :rtype: :class:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet` subclass """ # Default to 30 minutes, as per previous implementation. if len(kwargs.keys()) == 0: kwargs.update(minutes=RECENTLY_MINUTES) recently = - timedelta(**kwargs) return self.filter(created__gte=recently)
[docs] def modified_recently(self, **kwargs): """Goes hand in hand with the :meth:`~helpfulfields.models.ChangeTracking.modified_recently` method. Finds all object instances modified within the last N minutes. Accepts a list of `kwargs` which are passed directly to :class:`~datetime.timedelta`; in the absence of any `kwargs` the :class:`~datetime.timedelta` is told 30 minutes is recent. :return: filtered objects :rtype: :class:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet` subclass """ # Default to 30 minutes, as per previous implementation. if len(kwargs.keys()) == 0: kwargs.update(minutes=RECENTLY_MINUTES) recently = - timedelta(**kwargs) return self.filter(modified__gte=recently)
[docs]class PublishingQuerySet(QuerySet): """ A custom queryset for filtering things using the :class:`~helpfulfields.models.Publishing` abstract model via it's boolean. """
[docs] def published(self): """ Find all objects who have have :attr:`~helpfulfields.models.Publishing.is_published` set to :data:`True`. :return: All published objects :rtype: :class:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet` subclass """ return self.filter(is_published=True)
[docs] def unpublished(self): """ Find all objects who have have :attr:`~helpfulfields.models.Publishing.is_published` set to :data:`False`. :return: All published objects :rtype: :class:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet` subclass """ return self.filter(is_published=False)
[docs]class DatePublishingQuerySet(QuerySet): """ A custom queryset for filtering things using the :class:`~helpfulfields.models.DatePublishing` abtract model via the new fields it provides. """
[docs] def published(self): """ Find all objects whose :attr:`~helpfulfields.models.DatePublishing.unpublish_on` value is in the future, or is null, **and also** have a :attr:`~helpfulfields.models.DatePublishing.publish_on` value which is in the past or present. :return: All published objects :rtype: :class:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet` subclass """ now = maybe_published = Q(unpublish_on__gte=now) | Q(unpublish_on__isnull=True) definitely_published = Q(publish_on__lte=now) return self.filter(maybe_published & definitely_published)
[docs] def unpublished(self): """ Find all objects whose :attr:`~helpfulfields.models.DatePublishing.unpublish_on` value is in the past, **or alternatively have** a :attr:`~helpfulfields.models.DatePublishing.publish_on` value which is still in the future. :return: All unpublished objects :rtype: :class:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet` subclass """ now = return self.filter(Q(unpublish_on__lte=now) | Q(publish_on__gte=now))
[docs]class SoftDeleteQuerySet(QuerySet): """ A custom queryset which goes hand in hand with the :class:`~helpfulfields.models.SoftDelete` model to provide a way to filter by the additional field that creates. .. warning:: This should not be relied on to prevent data loss, as it is very much an incomplete idea right now. """
[docs] def all(self): """ Finds all objects which haven't been marked as deleted. This includes those which have been restored previously. :return: objects which haven't been marked as deleted :rtype: :class:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet` subclass """ restored_val = self.model.DELETED_CHOICES[1][0] return super(SoftDeleteQuerySet, self).all().filter( Q(deleted__isnull=True) | Q(deleted=restored_val) )
[docs] def deleted(self): """ filters the queryset looking for deleted items only. :return: objects which are currently deleted :rtype: :class:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet` subclass """ deleted_val = self.model.DELETED_CHOICES[2][0] return self.filter(deleted=deleted_val)
[docs] def restored(self): """ filters the queryset looking for objects which have been previously deleted, and since restored. :return: objects which were once deleted. :rtype: :class:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet` subclass """ restored_val = self.model.DELETED_CHOICES[1][0] return self.filter(deleted=restored_val)

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