Re-usable Localising strings

All the text strings we need to mark for translation are available here. By putting them here, we can keep everything nice and tidy, and, bonus, we don’t have to jump through long-winded hoops to get the verbose_name from a Model to be the label for an overridden Form field.

helpfulfields.text.changetracking_fieldset_label = u'changes'

the name for the fieldset provided in changetracking_fieldset

helpfulfields.text.created_help = u'the date and time on which this object was first added'

the help_text for the created field on ChangeTracking

helpfulfields.text.created_label = u'created'

verbose_name/label for the created field on ChangeTracking

helpfulfields.text.dates_fieldset_label = u'publishing info'

the name for the fieldset provided in date_publishing_fieldset

helpfulfields.text.logentry_empty = u'no changes'

text used by LogEntrySparkline for scenarios in which there are no LogEntry objects for the given period.

helpfulfields.text.logentry_label = u'change history'

text used by LogEntrySparkline for displaying a default value in the changelist column header.

helpfulfields.text.modified_help = u'the date and time on which this object was last changed'

the help_text for the modified field on ChangeTracking

helpfulfields.text.modified_label = u'last modified'

verbose_name/label for the modified field on ChangeTracking

helpfulfields.text.object_lacks_pk = u"%(model)s object can't be deleted because its %(pk)s attribute is set to None."

text for an exception used by SoftDelete when trying to delete an unsaved object.

helpfulfields.text.object_not_deleted = u"%(model)s object can't be restored because it has not been deleted."

text for an exception used by SoftDelete when trying to restore an object which hasn’t been deleted.

helpfulfields.text.object_not_mounted = u'the %(verbose_name)s is not mounted on admin site %(site)s.'

text used by RelationList to log a NoReverseMatch

helpfulfields.text.publish_help = u'the date and time on which this object should be visible on the website.'

the help_text for the publish_on field on DatePublishing

helpfulfields.text.publish_label = u'publishing date'

verbose_name/label for the publish_on field on DatePublishing

helpfulfields.text.quick_publish_help = u'should this object be visible on the website'

the help_text for the is_published field on Publishing

helpfulfields.text.quick_publish_label = u'is published'

verbose_name/label for the is_published field on Publishing

helpfulfields.text.seo_description_help = u'may be displayed by search engines in results.'

the help_text for the meta_description field on SEO

helpfulfields.text.seo_description_label = u'page description'

verbose_name/label for the meta_description field on SEO

helpfulfields.text.seo_fieldset_label = u'search engine optimisation'

the name for the fieldset provided in seo_fieldset

helpfulfields.text.seo_keywords_help = u'may be used by search engines to flag you as spamming.'

the help_text for the meta_keywords field on SEO

helpfulfields.text.seo_keywords_label = u'page keywords'

verbose_name/label for the meta_keywords field on SEO

helpfulfields.text.seo_title_help = u'displayed by the web browser in the window/tab/taskbar.'

the help_text for the meta_title field on SEO

helpfulfields.text.seo_title_label = u'page title'

verbose_name/label for the meta_title field on SEO

helpfulfields.text.soft_delete_false = u'restored'

the state text for restored items on the DELETED_CHOICES on SoftDelete

helpfulfields.text.soft_delete_help = u'has this been removed from the website?'

the help_text for the deleted field on SoftDelete

helpfulfields.text.soft_delete_initial = u'unmodified'

the initial state text for the DELETED_CHOICES on SoftDelete

helpfulfields.text.soft_delete_label = u'deleted?'

verbose_name/label for the deleted field on SoftDelete

helpfulfields.text.soft_delete_true = u'deleted'

the state text for deleted items on the DELETED_CHOICES on SoftDelete

helpfulfields.text.titles_menu_help = u'may be displayed in menus, instead of the standard title'

the help_text for the menu_title field on Titles

helpfulfields.text.titles_menu_label = u'menu title'

verbose_name/label for the menu_title field on Titles

helpfulfields.text.titles_title_label = u'title'

verbose_name/label for the title field on Titles

helpfulfields.text.unpublish_help = u'if filled in, this date and time are when this object will cease being available.'

the help_text for the unpublish_on field on DatePublishing

helpfulfields.text.unpublish_label = u'publishing end date'

verbose_name/label for the unpublish_on field on DatePublishing

helpfulfields.text.view_on_site_label = u'view on site'

text used by ViewOnSite to display in a ModelAdmin‘s list_display

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